EverGreen Taxi Rates
Cab rates are set by the City of Juneau. All companies have the following rates:
Meter Drop = $4
Each Mile = $3
Each additional person =$.50
Each additional bag = $.50
Deliveries cost an additional $3.00 over the meter.
Tours/Charter Rate = $70.00 per hour for the vehicle with a half hour minimum. *Not a per person rate.
Good Tips For Us
There is no real science to tipping, but there are a few considerations. To become certified, each EverGreen Driver had to pass a background (criminal history) check, a DOT physical, and provided a lifetime driving record. Each driver assumes the daily expenses of operating the vehicle. Dispatch/lease, City Tax, and fuel comprise the bulk of their costs.
When considering your tip, we ask that you evaluate the individual driver. If they fail you in any way, please do not reward them! EverGreen, Capital and Taku continually seek to raise the bar of our industry in Juneau and believe that our customers can directly participate in setting these standards.
If your driver has met or exceeded your expectations, and we think they will, we would encourage you to tip generously.
Good Tips For Pedestrians
Downtown Juneau is extremely crowded. Buildings press right up to the corner, and buses the size of small homes move slowly down the congested summer streets. At the same time locals are in a hurry to get to, or more likely, away from work.
Whether you ride with us or not, we encourage you to practice smart pedestrianism when milling through town. In short, just follow the advice you gave your children.... look both ways, and use the crosswalks.
Good Tips For Wildlife Viewing
Several animal species share the Tongass with us and seeing any number of them is fairly common when out on tour.
If you show respect for these animals and listen to your guide, you will quite often be rewarded with some special pictures and or memories to take home with you.
The best advice of course, is that you never put excessive pressure on the subject, and always allow them a route to escape if they tire of you.